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Repetition, Repetition, Repetition to Get Your Point Across
What feels like "annoyingly repetitive" to you, is probably "refreshingly simple" to your investors.
Why You Should Spend More Time Focusing on Your Earnings “Call Backs”
In the late 90s, a really good sell-side analyst might cover 8 or 10 stocks. They would be on every earnings call and would know every detail about every line in the model. Today however, analysts frequently cover 40 or more stocks.
Stocks Have Emotions. It’s Not Just What They Teach in Business School
Read on only if you're willing to throw out what they teach you in business school. Namely, that stock prices are simply the market's representation of the discounted present value of a future stream of cash flows.
The Market Minute: 2 Important Steps to Take After Going Public
Being a public company includes a lot more regulatory headaches. And winning over investors doesn’t end after the IPO.
Is Your IR Firm Advising You to Acknowledge the Competition?
While there are often many reasons why a stock is suffering, one of the easier fixes I see in my IR strategy practice is a change in the way my clients discuss their competition.
Analysts are Busy - Help Them Help You
The sell-side analysts that cover your stock are far busier than you might think. Failing to recognize this and blaming them for not properly understanding your story leads to valuation challenges and frustration by everyone involved.
Case Study
$5bn Hardware Company Lacking Investor Credibility
The client (under NDA) was looking for someone to help them fix their sagging stock price, which was lagging behind their peers despite several quarters of beating consensus estimates.
Case Study
$14bn Software Company in Model Transition
After many years of disappointing results, investors lost interest in this company. Additionally, the company’s financial disclosures made it impossible to see all the changes going on “under the surface.”
Case Study
$5bn Software Company with a Lagging Multiple
Management had a history of over-promising and under-delivering, which we needed to correct. Also, the business model transition created a layer of opacity that only increased disclosure, and new KPIs could solve.
How Investor Relations Consulting Firms Can Help Public Companies Succeed
Discover how investor relations consulting firms can benefit public companies by improving financial communication, enhancing shareholder value, and providing support during activism defense periods.
The Ultimate Guide to Hiring an Investor Relations Consultant
Hiring an investor relations consultant can help public companies build strong relationships with investors and increase shareholder value.
Investor Relations Consulting: Understanding the Different Types of Firms and Choosing the Right One for Your Business
Learn about investor relations consulting and the different types of firms available, including strategic firms and IR outsourcing firms.
From Investor to Investor Relations Consultant: Applying Principles from The Outsiders to Help Companies Succeed
This article is a must-read for CEOs, CFOs, investor relations officers, and board members looking for ways to maximize shareholder value.
Earnings Season Best Practices: A Recap of Our Recent Call
The IR team should consistently reach out to all covering sell-side analysts for a brief 10-15-minute call. During these sessions, IR can provide an overview of the quarter's events. Also remember to send reminder emails to new investors.
Unity Investor is now Resurge!
We are thrilled to share that Unity Investor has now transformed into Resurge. Our new brand better reflects our mission to help public companies get the valuation they deserve.